Question 3.2.5 Data field (19)

Question 3.2.5 Data field (19)

It seems that there is an inconsistency between the example in the TRUM and the type definition in the xsd. The following field is affected:

Non-Standard Contract: (19) Volume optionality capacity

The TRUM-example (ACER_REMIT_TRUM_v2 0.pdf) is alphanumeric with the values “100/200”


No. Field Identifier Description
19 Volume optionality capacity The number of units included in the contract, per delivery time interval if available.


Description of Accepted Values Type Length Example
Up to 20 alphanumerical digits. Alphanumeric 20 100/200


while in the xsd (REMITTable2_V1.xsd  03/11/2015)  it is defined as numberType which is an decimal with 20 digits and 5 fraction digits. Please could you clarify how to report different optionality intervals/ranges?


Whenever a capacity value must be reported, this needs to be reported with the capacity unit, start and end date along with it. Please see below:

When multiple values of capacity have to be reported, e.g. 0 /100 (o to 100 range) or 0, 100/200 (0 or 100 to 200 range) then the xml code has to be reported as many time as the number of capacity values (numberType).

Also it is worth taking a look at the mapping between the Table 2 data fields and the XSD schema Table2_v1. This document is available in the REMIT Documents section of the ACER website. The document explains the mapping between Table 2 fields and Table2_v1 schema.

Indicating a 0-100 range should be reported as:

























Indicating 0 or 100 to 200 range should be reported as:

























Given that start and end date become mandatory fields when a capacity value is reported in the xml file and, if for some reasons, Start and Date is not applicable to the capacity value, then 1900-01-01 should be used to indicate that no optimality intervals are available:



Alternatively, the start and end dates, fields No. (42) and (43) period can be used.
