Question 3.2.5 Data field (19)
It seems that there is an inconsistency between the example in the TRUM and the type definition in the xsd. The following field is affected:
Non-Standard Contract: (19) Volume optionality capacity
The TRUM-example (ACER_REMIT_TRUM_v2 0.pdf) is alphanumeric with the values “100/200”
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
19 | Volume optionality capacity | The number of units included in the contract, per delivery time interval if available. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Example |
Up to 20 alphanumerical digits. | Alphanumeric | 20 | 100/200 |
while in the xsd (REMITTable2_V1.xsd 03/11/2015) it is defined as numberType which is an decimal with 20 digits and 5 fraction digits. Please could you clarify how to report different optionality intervals/ranges?
Whenever a capacity value must be reported, this needs to be reported with the capacity unit, start and end date along with it. Please see below:
When multiple values of capacity have to be reported, e.g. 0 /100 (o to 100 range) or 0, 100/200 (0 or 100 to 200 range) then the xml code has to be reported as many time as the number of capacity values (numberType).
Also it is worth taking a look at the mapping between the Table 2 data fields and the XSD schema Table2_v1. This document is available in the REMIT Documents section of the ACER website. The document explains the mapping between Table 2 fields and Table2_v1 schema.
Indicating a 0-100 range should be reported as:
<volumeOptionalityIntervals> <capacity> <value>0</value> <unit>KMW</unit> </capacity> <startDate>2015-08-01</startDate> <endDate>2025-07-31</endDate> </volumeOptionalityIntervals> |
<volumeOptionalityIntervals> <capacity> <value>100</value> <unit>KMW</unit> </capacity> <startDate>2015-08-01</startDate> <endDate>2025-07-31</endDate> </volumeOptionalityIntervals> |
<volumeOptionalityIntervals> <capacity> <value>200</value> <unit>KMW</unit> </capacity> <startDate>2015-08-01</startDate> <endDate>2025-07-31</endDate> </volumeOptionalityIntervals> |
Indicating 0 or 100 to 200 range should be reported as:
<volumeOptionalityIntervals> <capacity> <value>0</value> <unit>KMW</unit> </capacity> <startDate>2015-08-01</startDate> <endDate>2025-07-31</endDate> </volumeOptionalityIntervals> |
<volumeOptionalityIntervals> <capacity> <value>100</value> <unit>KMW</unit> </capacity> <startDate>2015-08-01</startDate> <endDate>2025-07-31</endDate> </volumeOptionalityIntervals> |
<volumeOptionalityIntervals> <capacity> <value>200</value> <unit>KMW</unit> </capacity> <startDate>2015-08-01</startDate> <endDate>2025-07-31</endDate> </volumeOptionalityIntervals> |
Given that start and end date become mandatory fields when a capacity value is reported in the xml file and, if for some reasons, Start and Date is not applicable to the capacity value, then 1900-01-01 should be used to indicate that no optimality intervals are available:
<startDate>1900-01-01</startDate> <endDate>1900-01-01</endDate> |
Alternatively, the start and end dates, fields No. (42) and (43) period can be used.