Question 3.4.1
Modification of Execution events. When we are sending an execution event in Table1 that links to a trade in Table2 the examples say that the UTI of those events is “NA”.
This would work for the New event.
What would we do if there is the need to modify an execution event if there is no unique ID on the original “New” record?
The Agency has received additional input from its stakeholders who raised the issue of the modification of the EXECUTION report. They suggested to allow for the reporting of a unique number in the UTI field in case of modification.
Please note that for the purpose of the reporting of the details of transactions executed within the framework of non-standard contracts specifying at least an outright volume and price and reportable with Table 1 of the Annex to the Implementing Acts, the examples presented in Annex II to the TRUM have been modified to reflect the input provided by the industry to the Agency.
In particular, the Agency’s stakeholders have highlighted and requested the need to assign a unique number to the each execution reports in Field (31) Unique Transaction ID of Table 1.
This requirement makes sure that in case it is needed to report a modification report this can be submitted to modify a previously reported execution uniquely identified in Field (31) Unique Transaction ID of Table 1.
The Unique Number can be any number the market participant likes as long as it is unique for that market participant and not used for other executions. It could be, for example, any progressive unique number for the market participant who is reporting the execution.
There is no expectation that the buyer and seller unique number for the execution will have to be the same. This is a unique number that will identify the report uniquely.
The Field (27) OMP ID should be populated with “XBIL”. Field (32) Linked transaction ID for the buyer and seller side should be unique and same for the two sides and should contain Contract ID from the non-standard contract reported in Table 2 for which the Execution is reported.