Question 4.2.2
According to Edig@s REMIT MIG the field PROCESS_TRANSACTION.IDENTIFICATION is mandatory, and as such it could not be left blank.
How the transactions for bilateral capacity allocations (Shipper-Shipper) and transactions concluded outside of an Organized Market Place shall be identified?
Could we input a free text in the field PROCESS_TRANSACTION.IDENTIFICATION or a predefined set of values should be used?
Do you intend to change the schema in order to allow the field PROCESS_TRANSACTION.IDENTIFICATION to left blank?
The field cannot be left blank. In case of Shipper-Shipper transactions a free text of maximum 35 characters should be used for the Process Identification. As indicated in the TRUM this field should be a Unique Identification of the process only in case of auction process. For other processes concluded outside an organised market place the code shall be defined by the capacity allocating entity (i.e. the internal coding rule of the allocating entity applies, e.g. one code for single process or multiple processes identification possible).