Question 4.2.5

Question 4.2.5

Price in the secondary Market:

Regarding TRUM v. 2.0 field 35 - Data Field - Price, it is foreseen to include the price concluded in transactions on the secondary market.

TSOs do not have this kind of information as the price is determined in agreements that take place strictly between shippers.

It is important for the TSOs to inform ACER also about these kind of transactions directly to ARIS and not only via booking platforms because these kind of transactions entail changes in contracts which need to be updated?


The field 35 is mandatory for secondary market allocations. The reporting obligation for secondary market lies with the market participants. Therefore there should be no problem for the TSOs in case they lack the specific information on the price. In case the TSO acts as the third-party RRM it is the responsibility of the market participant(s) to provide the necessary information to the TSO as the RRM for complete and successful data reporting.
