Question 4.2.8
Reference to Article 7(5) of the Implementing Acts in case of Floating tariffs: change of tariff (regulated price), in particular in case of long term contracts.
According to Article 7(5) of the Implementing Acts, details of contracts referred to in Article 3(1)(b)(i) of the Implementing Acts shall be reported as soon as possible but no later than on the working day following the availability of the allocation results. Any modification or the termination of the concluded contracts shall be reported as soon as possible but no later than on the working day following the modification or termination.
How to understand the provisions of Article 7(5) of the Implementing Acts in case of Tariff change?
Does the TSO have to report the tariff change as modification of the contract?
It is the Agency’s current understanding that there is no need to send tariff changes as a modification of the contract if the usage of the tariff is well-defined in a contract and if the tariff change is made publically available by the TSO or by the respective NRA.
The Agency reserves the right to request data on tariffs from TSOs.