

This Frequently Asked Questions document (hereafter referred to as ‘FAQ document’) contains questions received in relation to the Agency’s Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) pursuant to Article 5(2) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014. The TRUM explain the details of the reportable information in relation to standard and non-standard contracts for the supply and transportation of electricity and gas for the transaction reporting regime under Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT).

The FAQ document is directed to the public but in no way provides a legal interpretation of REMIT and it does not by any means substitute the TRUM[1].

The questions have been submitted during the past months by various stakeholders to the Agency’s functional mailboxes.

The answers included in this FAQs document have been drafted by the Agency and have been previously discussed with stakeholders in roundtable meetings and webinars organised by the Agency. The Agency will update this FAQ document on a regular basis.

The Agency strongly recommends stakeholders wishing to address questions linked to transaction data reporting to only use one channel, the online REMIT query form available at:

The Agency also publishes Guidance to assist National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in carrying out their tasks under REMIT in a coordinated and consistent way. The Guidance is updated from time to time to reflect changing market conditions and the experience gained by the Agency and NRAs in the implementation and application of REMIT, including through the feedback of market participants and other stakeholders.

Market participants have to bear in mind that they have to comply with the obligations and the prohibitions established in REMIT. The Agency recommends that in complying with REMIT, market participants should make their own research and set up a compliance system.

All REMIT related documents are published in the REMIT Documents section of the ACER website:


The questions contained in this FAQ document are genuine stakeholder questions raised with the Agency. The review of the questions carried out by the Agency has been strictly focused on their anonymisation with the aim of eliminating references made to company names, products or any other items that could be clearly linking to the sender of the question. The Agency does not bear any responsibility concerning the grammar, spelling and notion of the questions included in this document.


[1] Pursuant to Article 5(2) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014, the Agency shall explain the details of the reportable information in relation to standard and non-standard contracts for the supply and transportation of electricity and gas in a user manual and after consulting reporting parties make this user manual available to the public upon the entry into force of the Implementing Acts. On this basis, the Agency has prepared the Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM). The TRUM focuses primarily on providing guidance on how to report Wholesale Energy Products.
