ACER consults on its framework guidelines on scenarios for network development planning
ACER consults on its framework guidelines on scenarios for network development planning
What is it about?
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launches today a public consultation inviting stakeholders to submit their views on the new framework guidelines on scenarios for network development planning (Scenarios Guidelines).
The procedure to adopt new Scenarios Guidelines that will be used in the electricity and gas Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs) was initiated in July 2022.
In order to make an informed and inclusive decision on these Guidelines, ACER will collect views on draft guidelines from the stakeholders in a public consultation that will run until 14 November 2022.
Every two years, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and for Gas (ENTSOG) prepare joint scenarios which set the basis for the future network development planning in the European Union.
Scenarios include a set of assumptions about energy demand and supply evolutions which aim at supporting the biennial Union-wide TYNDPs. These TYNDP processes feed into the identification and selection of Projects of Common Interest, which play an important role in making the infrastructure ready to achieve the energy and climate policy objectives.
The recasted TEN-E Regulation requires that the TYNDP joint scenarios must be transparent, non-discriminatory and robust.
What is the role of ACER?
To ensure these TYNDP scenarios meet those criteria and are as well in line with the European Union’s climate and energy objectives, ACER is first drafting and then adopting Scenario Guidelines. ENTSO-E and ENTSOG shall follow these Scenarios Guidelines for developing the joint scenarios.
Next steps
After the Public Consultation, ACER will evaluate the received feedback and take it into consideration when finalising the Guidelines.
ACER’s Scenarios Guidelines will be adopted by 24 January 2023. ACER will organise an online webinar on 26 January 2023 to explain the challenges and key decisions that shaped the Guidelines. Moreover, at the webinar ACER will invite stakeholders to provide feedback on the process of guidelines development to possibly improve the process in future.
Access the public consultation and the responses to the public consultation.
Access the online webinar.