
ACER will adopt new framework guidelines on scenarios for network development planning

Last updated on 26.07.2024
Infrastructure gas and electricity

ACER will adopt new framework guidelines on scenarios for network development planning

What is it about?

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has initiated the procedure to adopt new framework guidelines on scenarios regulating future network development planning, in accordance with the recast TEN-E regulation.

What is it about?

Every two years, the European Network of Transmission System Operators  for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and for Gas (ENTSOG) prepare joint scenarios which set the basis for the future network development planning in the European Union.

Scenarios include a set of assumptions about energy demand and supply evolutions which aim at supporting the biennial Union-wide ten-year network development plans (TYNDPs). These TYNDP processes feed into the identification and selection of projects of common interest, which play an important role in making the infrastructure ready to achieve the energy and climate policy objectives.

As such, enhanced scrutiny on the  process of developing scenarios leads to increased trust from stakeholders and citizens.   

What is the role of ACER?

The recasted TEN-E regulation stipulates a more structured process for developing the joint TYNDP scenarios. It requires from ACER to prepare Framework Guidelines which should ensure the TYNDP scenarios are transparent, non-discriminatory and robust, as well as in line with the Union’s climate and energy objectives (e.g. fostering Union’s 2030 energy and climate targets, as well as its 2050 climate neutrality objective). These scenarios should also build on the European Commission’s Fit for 55’ scenarios, as well as on the national energy and climate plans.

The ENTSO-E and ENTSOG shall follow the Agency’s framework guidelines when they construct the joint TYNDP scenarios.

What’s the way forward?

In order to inform its decision-making process in an inclusive and extensive manner, ACER will collect views from interested stakeholders.

Starting from July 2022, and on a regular basis, ACER will organise a series of technical workshops, involving the ENTSOs, stakeholders and scenarios’ experts.

In order to be invited to the technical workshops, stakeholders should raise their interest and share their initial views by writing at scenario.guidelines(at)acer.europa.eu by 25 July 2022.

Documents have been updated on 19 August 2022.
19 July 2022 Introductory workshop on main issues in scenario development
  ACER slides
  ACER workshop notes
26 July 2022 Ensuring an inclusive stakeholder process
  ACER slides
  ACER workshop notes
  Stakeholder presentations and views
29 July 2022 Transparency of scenarios (inputs, models, assumptions, outputs)
  ACER slides
  ACER workshop notes
  Stakeholder presentations and views
2 August 2022 Scenario(s) and their alignment with NECPs, Fit for 55, REpowerEU
  ACER slides
  ACER workshop notes
  Stakeholder presentations and views
5 August 2022 How to consider efficiency, demand-side, hydrogen and other technologies in scenarios
  ACER slides
  ACER workshop notes
  Stakeholder presentations and views
  List of participating organisations

A broader public consultation was held from 6 October until 14 November 2022; see the responses to the public consultation.

The new framework guidelines will be adopted in January 2023.

For more procedural information, access the Public Notice.

ACER will organise a webinar on 26 January 2023 to explain the Framework Guidelines.

Access the webinar.

Access more information on the ENTSOs’ most recent completed scenario development process.

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