How can I report fundamental data?
Answer: The legal basis for the fundamental data reporting is laid down in Article 8 and 9 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014. While Article 8 defines the rules for reporting of fundamental data on electricity, Article 9 specifies the rules for reporting of fundamental data on gas including also data on LNG and gas storage.
In order to explain the details of reporting, the Agency has prepared the Manual of Procedures on transaction and fundamental data reporting (MoP). The MoP is available here: https://www.acer.europa.eu/remit-documents/remit-reporting-guidance.
The Agency’s intention with the MoP is to provide advice for reporting entities concerning the reporting of fundamental and transaction data. The MoP explains the details of procedures, standards and electronic formats for reporting of fundamental data. In particular, the document includes information on the data submission channels, the data validation rules and the XML-schemas to be used for the reporting.
The focus of the first edition of the MoP is to explain the details of the data fields and reportable schemas related to the electricity and gas fundamental data. Examples of data fields and schemas for the LNG and gas storage data will be included in the MoP in the coming months.