How should a power plant be reported if it is contracted for congestion management and therefore withheld from the market? And how shall market participants publish this information according to article 4 of REMIT ?
Answer: If a specific power plant is contracted for congestion management by a TSO, certain capacity is no longer available for the wholesale energy market. As a result, this information could be regarded as inside information (i.e. it is ‘information’ and it fulfils the four cumulative criteria of Article 2(1) of REMIT) and therefore needs to be made public in an effective and timely manner. Depending on the relevant contract, the power plant might be withheld for the contract duration or during specific time windows. The TSO and/or power plant operator have to indicate the respective duration of unavailability for the wholesale energy market accordingly. Once the TSO and/or power plant operator decide that the power plant is not available to the market but is instead reserved for congestion management (e.g. for the next month), the TSO and/or power plant operator have to inform the market that the power plant will not be available during the upcoming month. For this example, an event start time of 1st of Month 00:00 and end time of 30th of Month 24:00 are appropriate. The information needs to be made public ly available in a timely manner and as soon as the relevant decision is made. It is considered misleading to indicate that this information is related to ‘maintenance’ or ‘outage’. Such disclosure shall include information relevant to the concerned capacity of the power plant.