

I am a REMIT market  participant with information relevant to emission allowances which [I  believe] qualifies as inside information only under REMIT. How should I  fulfil my disclosure obligations under REMIT?

Answer: The Agency notes that Article 4(1) of REMIT obliges market participants to disclose inside information in a timely and effective manner. In the Agency’s Guidance on the Application of REMIT, Section 7.2.1 details the disclosure mechanisms the Agency views as meeting these requirements. The Agency actively encourages market participants to use the inside information platforms which are identified on the REMIT Portal and meet the minimum quality requirements outlined in Section 7.2.2. Where adequate platforms do not exist, for an interim period market participants may publish such information on their own website which is required to meet the same minimum requirements outlined in Section 7.2.2 in order for the disclosure to be considered effective.
