PC_2014_O_01 - European Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025
From 29 April to 16 June 2014 the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is running a public consultation on the green paper «Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025».
The “Bridge to 2025” identifies the challenges Europe’s energy markets will face in the coming decade and regulatory responses for the period 2014-2025 including aspects covered by CEER, and seeks stakeholders’ reactions on expected developments in the gas and electricity sectors, on the increasing importance of infrastructure, on trends in retail markets and on a suite of proposed regulatory actions to ensure that energy markets operate to the benefit on European consumers. The deadline for receiving responses is 16 June 2014, 23.59 CET.
The document draws upon the
feedback ACER received to the November 2013 pre-consultation and seeks to involve all stakeholders in the continuing development of the policy bridge to 2025.
The paper identifies a number of areas that may benefit from greater regulatory focus. Without focusing on every area raised stakeholders are kindly invited to:
- Comment on those areas which might be prioritised and to give their views on where the case for action is strongest.
- Identify any additional actions that may be required in those areas or to identify areas which have not been highlighted.
- Have we identified correctly the issues and trends within each area of the energy sector?
- Have we identified an appropriate regulatory response?
- Which regulatory actions are most important and should be prioritised?
- Are there other areas where we should focus?
Following the public consultation the paper will be finalised by late September 2014.
On 29 April 2014, ACER held a stakeholder event in Brussels for the launch of the formal public consultation “Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025”.
The launch event heard presentations and responses from a broad range of stakeholders on the key challenges and regulatory responses to 2025 identified in the paper ahead of the public consultation. It drew a great level of interest and large number of participants, with 101 in attendance from over 80 different organisations and 68 further following the event via web stream.
Here the
link to the agenda and presentations.
Consultation documents
The Agency presents for public consultation the green paper Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025:
Evaluation of responses and responses
- Bridge to 2025 Evaluation of responses to consultation paper
- Supporting document to ACER Recommendation 05-2014 - Energy Regulation A Bridge to 2025 Conclusions Paper
- Executive Summary
- 8KU GmbH.pdf
- A2A Trading.pdf
- Albwerk GmbH and Co. KG.msg
- Ampacimon.pdf
- BDEW.pdf
- Berlin Energie.pdf
- BEUC.pdf
- Bord Gáis Networks.docx
- Bord Gáis Networks.pdf
- Bundesverband Neuer Energieanbieter e.V._.pdf
- CECED.pdf
- CEDEC.pdf
- CEEP.pdf
- CEZ, a.s_.pdf
- Consultation_responses_log_23.06.14.xlsx
- Direct Energie.pdf
- E3G.pdf
- ECRB.docx
- ECRB.pdf
- EDF Energy.pdf
- EDF.docx
- EDF.pdf
- Edison SpA.pdf
- EDSO for Smart Grids.pdf
- EFET.pdf
- Elia Group.pdf
- ENA.docx
- ENA.pdf
- ENAGAS.pdf
- EnBW.pdf