ACER workshop on rate of change of frequency and grid forming capabilities

Ljubljana and online
10/05/2023 09:30 - 16:00 (Europe/Brussels)

What is it about?

ACER is organising a hybrid workshop on technical requirements for advanced capabilities (grid forming) and rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) withstand capability in the context of the amendment of the electricity grid connection network codes. This workshop is part of a series of workshops that precede a Public Consultation, to be organised later in 2023 on concrete amendment proposals regarding the two network codes namely the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators and the Network Code on Demand Connection.

The objectives of this workshop are:

  • To present and discuss potential amendments to the grid connection network codes on technical requirements for advanced capabilities (grid forming) and rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) withstand capability and hear stakeholders’ view on these topics; and
  • To clarify the purpose, process and timeline for the amendments of the network codes.

Two more dedicated ACER workshops will take place in April/May 2023:

EU stakeholder associations that are interested in presenting their views (up to 10 slots of 8 min each) on the topics tackled in the workshop should contact ACER before 26 April 2023 on ACER-ELE-2022-015(at) ACER will consider the expressions of interest; any confirmed participating stakeholders are kindly requested to send their presentations before 3 May 2023. ACER will announce the final agenda on 3 May 2023.

What are the next steps?

These workshops precede a Public Consultation, to be organised later in 2023 on concrete amendment proposals regarding the two network codes.

ACER submitted to the European Commission its proposed amendments to the GC NCs in December 2023.