5.5 Data fields related to delivery profile

5.5 Data fields related to delivery profile

This section includes the following fields:

Field No. Field name Non-standard contract
41 Delivery point or zone M
42 Delivery start date M
43 Delivery end date M
44 Load type M

M = mandatory; O = optional; - = does not apply; * = conditionally required

Data Field (41) Delivery point or zone

No. Field Identifier Description
41 Delivery point or zone EIC code(s) for the delivery point(s) or market area(s).
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
EIC code, 16 character alphanumeric code. Alphanumeric 16 10YCB-EUROPEU--8

This field identifies the commodity delivery point or zone. This field shall report the EIC Y code (or an alternative code to be agreed with the Agency if the EIC is not available) to identify the delivery and/or balancing point for the contract.

However, because gas can also be delivered at the interconnection point, then the EIC-Z Code for that interconnector maybe used.

Where the contract for the supply of gas may be delivered at a gas storage facility or an LNG terminal, then the EIC W code for that facility shall be reported.

For additional guidance on how to correctly report delivery point or zone, please refer to Annex VI to the TRUM and the List of Accepted EICs attached to the annex.  

Data Field (42) Delivery start date

No. Field Identifier Description
42 Delivery start date Start date and time of delivery. For physically delivered contracts this would be the delivery start date of the contract.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
ISO 8601 date format Date n/a 2014-01-29

This field identifies the date that delivery of the commodity under the reported contract starts.

Guidance on reporting Data Field (42) and Data Field (43) when delivery start and end date is not known

Delivery start date in Data Field (42) and Delivery end date in Data Field (43) are mandatory fields. However, the Agency is aware of the fact that, given the characteristics of some non-standard contracts, it is not always possible to report both fields when reporting a contract in Table 2. In order to allow market participants or reporting parties on their behalf to properly report such contracts, the Agency has identified reference codes to be reported in such special cases, as per the examples available in Annex II:

  • If the Delivery start date is unknown, by default 1900-01-01 should be reported
  • If the Delivery end date is unknown, by default 2100-12-31 should be reported

Data Field (43) Delivery end date

No. Field Identifier Description
43 Delivery end date End date and time of delivery. For physically delivered contracts this would be the end delivery date of the contract.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
ISO 8601 date format Date n/a 2014-01-29

This field identifies the end date of delivery of the commodity under the reported contract.  

Data Field (44) Load type

No. Field Identifier Description
44 Load type Identification of the delivery profile (base load, peak load, off-peak, block of hours or other).
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
  • BL=Base load
  • PL=Peak load
  • OP=Off-Peak load
  • BH=Hour/Block Hours
  • SH =Shaped
  • GD=Gas Day
  • OT=Other
Text 2 BL

This field identifies the delivery profile (base load, peak load, off-peak, block of hours or other) of the contract. The load type should be identified as defined in the contract if available. If a delivery profile is not defined in the contract, market participants shall report “OT” for other.
