Question 3.2.11
From the MoP on data reporting: “The LNG Unavailability Report should be provided by the LNG System Operator in accordance with Article 9(3) c. The data element “lngUnavailabilityReport” is used by the Reporting Party to identify any periods where the facility is unavailable for the reloading and unloading of LNG to participants, whether this is a planned or unplanned activity. To be sent as soon as information becomes available. The unavailability report is used to report any planned or unplanned unavailability of a facility for a gas day or period within a gas day. Each LNG System Operator shall identify the dates and time on which the planned or unplanned outages of the LNG facility occur and the capacity which is affected.”
The bold part would refer to the jetty only. Does ACER really want to know the unavailability of the jetty?
Answer: According to Article 9 (3) (c) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 LNG, system operators shall report planned and unplanned unavailability announcements of the LNG facility including the time of the announcement and the capacities concerned.
The notion of LNG facility is defined in Article 2(33) of Directive (EU) 2024/1788 as a terminal which is used for the liquefaction of natural gas or the importation, offloading, and re-gasification of LNG, and includes ancillary services and temporary storage necessary for the re-gasification process and subsequent delivery to the transmission system. Therefore, any unavailability of the facility that falls within the definition of the LNG facility shall be reported with lngUnavailabilityReport.