

A holding, which is not itself a market participant, owns several entities that are renewable energy producers and thus are registered as market participants under REMIT. These renewable producers are only legal entities and do not have any employees. One of them will register as RRM and report data on behalf of the other market participants within the holding (intra group RRM). How should the intra group RRM fill in the documents required during the RRM registration process and who bears the legal responsibility for the data reporting?

Answer: As a general principle, the legal responsibility for data reporting is with the market participant. Therefore, if a market participant decides to delegate the data reporting to an RRM, Article 11(2) of Commission Implementing Regulations applies. It specifies how the responsibility for the reporting is divided between a market participant and an RRM.

If an intra group RRM applicant does not have any employees, it should clearly indicate who has the RRM Administrator and RRM Compliance roles in all documents which are submitted during the RRM registration process (e.g. RRM Application Form, Power of Attorney or Non-Disclosure Declaration).
