What is the timeframe envisaged for market participants in order to comply with Article 10(1) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014: “Market participants disclosing inside information on their website or service providers disclosing such information on market participants' behalf shall provide web feeds to enable the Agency to collect these data efficiently”?
Answer: Please note that the timeframe for disclosure of inside information through web feeds is laid down in Section 7.3.1 of the Manual of Procedures on transaction data, fundamental data and inside information reporting:
“The obligation to provide web feeds to enable the Agency to collect inside information efficiently, as defined in Article 10(1) of the REMIT Implementing Regulation, applies from 7 January 2015 when the REMIT Implementing Regulation entered into force. The Agency will start systematically collecting inside information through web feeds on the basis of the standards and electronic formats described in this Manual as of 1 January 2017 and would expect market participants disclosing inside information and service providers disclosing such information on market participants’ behalf to report the information through web feeds in the standards and electronic formats described in the Manual of Procedures on data reporting by 1 January 2017.”
The initially indicated deadline 7 July 2016 was extended until 1 January 2017.