PC_2022_E_08 - Public Consultation on the amendments to the grid connection network codes

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Public Consultation deadline extended: 28 November 2022
Important developments in the policies of decarbonisation of the European Union (EU) energy and transport sectors have taken place since the development of the first European grid connection network codes (GC NCs) in 2012.
In the framework of the Grid Connection European Stakeholder Committee, the European Commission proposed that the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) initiates the process to amend the existing European GC NCs in September 2022.
With this Public Consultation, ACER is gathering stakeholders’ views and concrete amendment proposals regarding the two GC NCs: the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators and the Network Code on Demand Connection. Stakeholders may submit their comments to one or both GC NCs separately.
In preparation for this consultation, ACER published the Policy Paper on the revision of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators and the Network Code on Demand Connection in September 2022. This document aims to transparently indicate to stakeholders the key policy areas in which amendments are to be expected. Moreover, the Paper draws on the alternative policy options and provides recommendations and proposed actions for the amendment process.
Why we are consulting
The revisions of these codes are needed to improve the existing regulatory framework and further adapt the system to the emerging trends like increasing number of electrical charging points for e-vehicles or proliferation of distributed energy resources.
ACER invites interested parties to submit their inputs, along with the reasons for proposing those changes, by 21 November 2022, 23:59 (CET).
These can include, inter alia, potential amendments concerning:
- technical requirements for electrical charging points and electric vehicles (EVs);
- requirements for mixed customer sites (MCSs), active customers and energy communities;
- significant modernisation of system users’ facilities and equipment;
- grids with significant distributed energy resources (DER) and converter-based technologies; and
- generators’ resilience to weather hazards.
Enter the Public Consultation on the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators.
Enter the Public Consultation on the Network Code on Demand Connection.