Question 2.2.8

Question 2.2.8

Reporting of a Linked FOK basket of two orders:

  • an Electricity block (of 3 hours)
  • an hourly order

The two orders are part of a basket which has a "Linked Fill or Kill" condition (either all the orders of the basket are entirely and immediately executed or all the orders of the basket are immediately cancelled)

Would it be possible to report it using the Linked order ID with the addition of a prefix to the linked order ID?


Please see example (1.07) in Annex II to the TRUM. Although Example 1.07 is for auction markets and refers to Exclusive Group of Blocks, the same principle can be applied to orders placed on continuous markets. The first Linked Order ID (33) value should report the Block ID for the block order and the second Linked Order ID (33) value should report the Unique Basket ID.

Please see also Example 2.18 in Annex II to the TRUM.
