Question 4.2.22
The question is about how to handle gas capacity contract transaction reporting to ARIS when a Market Participants on shipper side (contract holders) either exit the market (on voluntary basis or e.g. because they run bankrupt) or change their company structure affecting the contract holders name (e.g. split of a company transferring the capacity to the legal successor of the former contract holder) or if a company simply change their names (but the contract holder in fact is the same, no new legal entity). The question does only refer to possible cases in the future and does not affect already reported cases under back loading.
General rule: In general we propose to report these cases depending on what is from a legal point of view happening between the Market Participants (TSO and shipper). In the following cases applying this general rule would mean:
a) Market exit of market participant (=shipper, = contract holder), no matter whether on voluntary basis or because of insolvency/bankruptcy;
b) Legal succession cases (e.g. change in company structure).
Two cases to be distinguished:
- A new company is established. When the former contract holder is still ‘alive’ he transfers the capacity contract to the new company on secondary market.
- A new company is established, but there is no special handling between the old and the new company regarding the contract via secondary market but simply all the legal rights and obligations are shifted from the old company to the new one (either by a special contract or – depending on the national civil law – simply by law).
c) Simple change of a name of a company, no new legal entity is established.
With regard to point a), the answer depends on:
a) If the contract is Suspended, then there is no need to report anything; or
b) if the contract is cancelled, it should be reported as any other cancellation of a contract.
The cancellation of the contract that has been already reported to the Agency, through the Gas Transportation Contracts / Edig@s REMIT GasCapacityAllocations_Document schema should be submitted by setting the XML fields as follows:
- Appropriate report file naming (according to the mandatory naming convention);
- CREATIONDATETIME – should be set according to the date and time of the creation of the new report file;
- PROCESS_TRANSACTION.ACTION_STATUS.CODE attribute = 63G (Cancelled, the report is no longer valid);
- TIMEINTERVAL - delivery end (field 11. End date and time) shall reflect when the termination of the contract takes effect.
Following the cancellation of the contract, the capacity can:
a) be re-allocated to the market and this should be reported as any other allocation; or
b) not allocated to the market and there is no need report it.
With regard to point b):
- This case should be reported as any other secondary market transaction (reporting obligation lies with the market participants = shippers transferring the capacity contract amongst them). The TSO should not report any transaction modification through Gas Transportation Contracts through Edig@s REMIT Gas Capacity Allocation schema.
- The modification of a contract that has been already reported to the Agency, through the Gas Transportation Contracts / Edig@s REMIT GasCapacityAllocations_Document schema should be submitted by setting the XML fields as follows:
- Appropriate report file naming (according to the mandatory naming convention);
- CREATIONDATETIME – should be set according to the date and time of the creation of the new report file;
- PROCESS_TRANSACTION.ACTION_STATUS.CODE attribute = 66G (Changed, the report is valid after having been updated);
- PRIMARY_MARKETPARTICIPANT.IDENTIFICATION – CODINGSCHEME attribute content modified and filled with the ACER code or the EIC X code of the “New company;
- TIMEINTERVAL - delivery start (10.Start date and time) shall reflect when the first delivery of the contract takes place.
The new company has to register with the National Regulatory Authority as a Market Participant.
With regard to point c):
Since the name of the PRIMARY_MARKETPARTICIPANT.IDENTIFICATION is never reported to the Agency through the Gas Transportation Contracts / Edig@s REMIT GasCapacityAllocations_Document, the TSO should not undertake any actions for reports modification. In the reports submitted by the gas TSOs (or on their behalf), the PRIMARY_MARKETPARTICIPANT.IDENTIFICATION is done though the ACER code or the EIC X code of the Market Participant.
It is the Market Participant’s obligation to properly modify its CEREMP profile and inform the relevant NRA and the Agency about the change in its name. In addition the MP should inform the LIO that maintains its EIC code.A) If the contract is cancelled, it should be reported as any other cancellation of a contract.