Question 4.2.15

Question 4.2.15

Reference to Articles 6(2) and 7(2) of the Implementing Acts

Article 6(2) of the Implementing Acts state that TSOs or third parties acting on their behalf shall report details of contracts referred to in Article 3(1)(b)(i) of the Implementing Acts including matched and unmatched orders.

Article 7(2) of the Implementing Acts state that in the case of auction markets where orders are not made publicly visible, only concluded contracts and final orders shall be reported. They shall be reported no later than on the working day following the auction.

How should TSOs understand the provisions of Articles 6(2) and 7(2) of the Implementing Acts?

Shall the TSOs or third parties acting on their behalf report all orders (matched and unmatched) or only information about the concluded contracts as the result of successful orders?


It is the Agency’s current understanding that each auction rounds can impact the final price for transmission capacity.

Accordingly, all orders matched and unmatched which were taken into consideration for the calculation of any auction round need to be reported.

Please note that orders (matched or unmatched) are not relevant for back loading.
